Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our Latest Passion

Our dear friend, litchickdish blogger, librarian and creator of all things lovely (my Jane Austen pin, those amber and silver bee earrings and bracelets I wear on a daily basis - even to milk the goats) has introduced all of us to cigar box decorating. We have made the most fantastic themed boxes whilst learning a great deal about our favorite authors, book and heroes.

Our first boxes were made after studying Edgar Allen Poe and his works of poetry and fiction. Miss Phyllis assembled the most wonderful graphics-some a bit ghoulish- and we set to work.

The next week we acquired some lovely and unusual wooden cigar boxes from our friend from church, Guy, who works at Emerson's Cigar shop. The children then chose one of their favorite books or authors, although Kieran chose to make his box about famous world leaders.

Ainslie's box honored Alfred Lord Tennyson's Lady of Shalot. Gwynneth chose Lewis Carol. She also made one for Grandma with images of Henry VII, his wives and children. Aidan chose Jane Austen. Keiran's box had a beautiful background of antique maps with the images of Henry the Eighth, Genghis Khan, Napolean, Barbarossa etc.

Each box was finished with a sepia tinted antiquing medium.

We have only just begun - next I intend to make a Nathaniel Hawthorne box to hold my own treasures!


tana50 said...

It's so nice to see your entries coming back up. I always check your site! I love your farm and I love hearing what you are up to. This is such a busy time when you have animals. Don't work too hard!

Anonymous said...

Maureen!!! Thank you, thank you for letting my boys and I visit for a quick hour after such a long day for you all. The boys are in the baths now and are laughing about the baby goat trying to jump on its mother. So great! And so thankful to have found your wonderful farm...funny thing, I have bought your soaps for two years now (I think?) and just put two and two together. So fun!

Thanks again!

Eren San Pedro (and the boys)