Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Historic Lynnhaven House

Please join us at the annual Harvest Help Day at Historic Lynnhaven House.
The Andersons will be there in costume along with Tasha and Emma, our little lamb.
Emma truly follows us everywhere just like Mary's Little Lamb!
There will be candle dipping, and 18th century blacksmithing, soap making, spinning and flax demonstrations.
A Virginia farmer by the name of Francis Thelaball built this home in 1775 near the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. The home is a medieval style cottage with huge chimneys that flank the house on each end. Lynnhaven House home provides a glimpse into the life of a middle-class planter rather than a wealthy plantation owner.
Originally, the home, located at 4405 Wishart Road, stood on a 250 acre plantation. Now on its five and a half acres visitors will find a beautiful wood, gardens and a Revolutionary War graveyard.


Flannel Jammies Farm said...

What a lovely day this will be!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry I missed it!! Wish Hannah and I could have been there...