Sunday, July 18, 2010


It has been such fun watching the display of floral color and variety we have inherited from the previous owner (and lover) of this property.
Firstly, we had more than 18 different varieties of daffodils, then iris, snowdrops, crocus, bluebells, hyacinths and tulips. After that wave we had hydrangeas, peonies, black-eyed susans and lillies of every variety blooing. Elegant Calla lillies, sweet tiger lilles, massive sun-colored lillies with petals that curled backwards, smaller lillies in varying shades of yellow, peach, cream, pink, red, rose, rust and lavender. The show has not yet stopped and we are daily being treated to a new performance daily.
While we were busy extablishing what soon will be a substantial English Cottage Garden in the front of the cabin, complete with herbs, Ainslie has worked so hard this year on her little bit of paradise in the "side yard."
The birds found it a place worthy of establishing their nests and we saw a clutch of Indigo Buntings as well as 5 bluebirds and several wrens hatch and grow there.
Aisnlie began her garden by assisting Colin with the wheeling of large barrows full of earth from the 20 year old manure pile near the forest.
Then she and her siblings pulled out all the old weeds and uncovered (to their delight) a sizeable potato harvest! The asparagus was more or less left in place and kept well fed as we enjoyed its early springtime delicacy. Sage and borage, dill and parsley, thyme of every variety, as well as chocolate, appple and orange mints were added along with inumerable other herbs.
Seeds of cosmos, johnny jump-ups, zinnia and coreopsis were sown early indoors and later transplanted to her raised beds and to an old wheelbarrow.
Wire structures were constructed for sugar snap peas to climb. Lavender was planted at the base and has lent the area such pretty color. Turnips, lettuces, brussel sprouts, carrots and radishes thrived at her fingertips, each and every one worthy of a blue ribbon!
As summer progressed, she had marigolds as tall as she was growing next to nasturtiums, sunflowers which enthrall the goldfinches, tall indian corn, squash, zucchinis, watermelon and cantelope. The duck family has been so well-behaved and have not bothered with anything they shouldn't.
Ainslie has proven herself green-thumbed and we have all benefitted from her talents!


Heather said...


beachgirl said...

Hey! I just finished reading alot of the posts. I feel like I am in some of the books we used to read from Beatrix Potter. I am exhausted just reading about everything you are doing. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to call you a few months ago. I have been injured ( my arms which may be my neck. I am seeing doctors as we speak) so I have been just barely able to get through my days with school and the kids. I don't know how you do it . anyway, I am graduating in May and Joshua is getting Bar Mitzvahed June 11th. I wish you could be here...... Anyway, after I graduate I want to come back and visit you for more than a day. I havent seen your house. send me more pics 408-646-9955 after 12 your time, Mon, wed, fri-sun xxxxoooo